2 min read

💎 The Uncertainty Of Self-Improvement

More Time, Less Execution

Having too much space, ambition, and desire failed to bring me closer to my goals –  it only  pushed me farther from them.

After wrapping up my first year in college, I no longer had to worry about the constant deadlines, assignments, and exams sapping away from my time.

I finally regained enough room to breathe, schedule, and design my time based on my terms. I was heavily anticipating this summer, as it opened the door for me to improve my career-related skills, business, and personal development.

Visualizing these massive improvements helped me identify meaningful goals – but it became excessive.

Should I design a new curriculum for my clients? How about revamping the sales system? What about my personal goal to read for an hour each day? When should I go to the gym? What deadline should be set to redesign the company website? When should I start brainstorming my next newsletter post?

I had so much more to do, so much more time to do it, but it felt that everything I desired to achieve was gradually slipping from my grasp.

A Pragmatic View of Entrepreneurship and Personal Development

Although I’ve fallen into a productivity slump for the past few days, I’m also grateful for it.

I was reminded to never get too comfortable with idealistic, overly-ambitious, and unrealistic narratives to compromise my success.

I’d love to think entrepreneurship is an endeavor full of linear improvements, meaningful work, and consistent accomplishments – but that couldn’t be further from the truth.

The idea of learning small rather than accomplishing big has been reinforced in my daily perspective, especially after reading a book titled Limitless by Jim Kwik.

While reading the first few chapters, I discovered plenty of intriguing concepts such as neuroplasticity, accelerated learning, memory enhancement, and much more.

While I intend on going into each of these ideas in greater depth in the future, the power of asking better questions appeared to be consistent with improving in any area of life.

According to Kwik, our brain is able to pick up over 11 million bits of information per second, yet our conscious mind can only process up to 50 bits of information per second.

The conversations we have in our mind, the ideas we choose to dwell on, and the ones we choose to ignore ultimately determine the trajectory of our decisions, actions, and the rest of our life.

Therefore, I treat my brain like an algorithm – optimizing it by asking the right questions.

What’s realistic for me to execute today? What do I actually care about? What kind of influence do I want to have on the people I touch?

As I learned to stop pedestalizing the highs of personal growth and embrace the realistic lows of my journey, I was able to finally start walking again.

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